Caecilia Font Family

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Font Introduction

Caecilia Font Family

Caecilia Font Family is belonging to the Slab-serif typeface family and the designer of this typeface is Matthias Noordzif. This font family was released through the Linotype company. In 1990 was the year of the release of this font but the designer was already using this typeface for making stylish sketches in the year of 1983.

You can make such beautiful designs with the pairing of Trajan Pro Font and also different Slab-serif fonts. This is a condensed font and you can’t only use this typeface for creating impressive heading and captions but also perfect for wide moderate texts. This font is having a cutting edge that can support all the geometric typefaces like Signerica font.

This font is the most considered font for textual stylings. Moreover, This typeface is also used inside the Amazon and it comes in 4 weights like Light, Bold, Heavy, and italic weights and this is also used in the Adobe fonts.

Details of Font

NameCaecilia Font
DesignerPeter Matthias Noordzij
File FormatOTF, TTF
LicenseFree Personal Use

Commercial Use:

Caecilia Font is not free for commercial use. This is a freeware font that can use in all your personal projects but if you want to utilize it in your commercial projects then you will have to take permission from the font designer.


What’s the Closest Font to Caecilia?

There are many similar fonts to this font like FF Marselis Slab, Brix Slab, and many more but the closest font is Raleway Font.

Can I Use Caecilia Font on My Website?

Yes, you can use this typeface on your company or brand websites because this is a very safe typeface.

What Type of Font Is Caecilia?

This is a very attractive Slab-serif typeface that was designed by Matthias Noordzif. This typeface comes in 4 weights including Bold, Italic, Heavy, and Light.

Can I use Caecilia font for commercial use?

No never, this is not useful for your commercial project and you must take its license before using it for this kind of project. If you want to utilize it in a personal project then it will be giving permission.

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