Roboto Slab Font Family

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Font Introduction

Roboto Slab Font Family

Roboto Slab Font Family was designed by Christian Robertson. This font has additional styles and washes that make this font very unique from other script typefaces. You can see its unique styles with the pairing of Lato font. This font is also included in the Google fonts.

This typeface has amazing 312 unique glyphs and more than 300 stylish characters including uppercase, lowercase, numbers, punctuations, icons, symbols, and many other special characters too. These qualities make this font very suitable for logos, promotional videos, elegant UIs, attractive UX designs, and other lots of stuff.

You can download this font in the OTF, TTF file formats that can be used in all your personal projects. You can find many similar fonts on the web like Fradley Font, Queens Park. This typeface can also be specified in the CSS family.

Details of Font

NameRoboto Slab Font
DesignerChristian Robertson
File FormatOTF, TTF
LicenseFree For Personal Use

Commercial Use:

Roboto Slab Font is free for commercial use. This typeface is a completely free font for all your personal and commercial projects.


What is Roboto Slab font?

This is a slab-serif typeface that was designed by Christian Robertson. This font was created to be used alongside the sans-serif of Roboto font.

How do I get Roboto Slab font?

You can get this font by clicking the above download button. This is an open-source license and you are free to use this font with your Adobe account.

What fonts are similar to Roboto Slab?

You can get many similar fonts to this font like Pridi Light Font,  Aleo Regular Font, Belgrano-Regular Font, Domine-Regular Font, and many more.

Is Roboto Slab free for commercial use?

Yes, this is a free font that can use in all your commercial and personal projects but you should have an Adobe account.

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